2008 Week #10


1st Place Decepticons 217 pts

2nd Place Spitoons 155.25 pts

3rd Place FlyingElvis 147.25 pts

4th Place Dugongs 139.75 pts

5th Place BeaudoinBrothers 133.75 pts

6th Place UncleJack 121.25 pts

7th Place OldNo7 118.75 pts

8th Place WaxOnWaxOff 117.75 pts

9th Place JakesBlues 105.5 pts


The Decepticons became the first team with back-to-back wins this season with a crushing performance of 217 pts , which was also the first team a team topped 200 pts this season.  Dec came to within half a point of beating the all-time record established by Spi (217.5 pts) in 2005, although there were no college players back then so Spi's performance safely remains the best ever.  Dec had the win wrapped up as early as Thursday night when they scored no less than 6 TDs: three from Cutler, one from E Royal, and two from Winslow Jr.  The TD Culter to Royal was actually a 93-yd TD score which gave Dec 24.5 pts on that single play.  Dec continued to crush asses on Sunday, with T Jones scoring 3 times, and R Brown / White added one each.  With this win, Dec jumped over both Beaud and Wax in the standings. 

The Spitoons continued their unbelievable consistency with a second place, far behind Dec.  The Spitoons' coach who had was travelling to Vegas during the week had this to say to the Decepticons after a few drinks: "What the phukk are these guys doing, scoring over 200 pts?  What the phukk is their point?  Remember the Patriots last year?  All those useless TDs to rub it in, throwing bombs late in the 4th quarter when up by several TDs.  What did that give them in the Super Bowl?  All I can say is that we only lost one rank-point to Dec this week and we are still in first place with a comfortable lead, they can score 300 pts if they want, we don't give a $hit and they can shove it up their a$$es "  This week, the Spitoons' top scorer was T Gonzalez with 27 pts.  He has been a priceless acquisition from Wax earlier this year and he has been the team's turning point, along with LB P Willis.  LB duo J Harrison and P Willis continue to lead the league on defense and they added 28 pts more this week together. 

FlyingElvis had their highest score since their week #3 win with 147.25 pts.  Although FE will probably not win the league, they are moving slowly closer to Wax, Beaud, and Dug.  FE got most of its production from M Ryan with 22.25 pts.  Ryan is in a dog fight at the rookie position with M Forte (Dug) for the league's best rookie .  Both are tied with 122 total points and an average of 13.6 pts per week.  At RB, D Williams did well during MB3's bye week by scoring a long TD and almost topping 20 pts.  DW has been a nice surprise this year.  He's only 1 pt per game from the top 10 at his position.  On defense, the Titans have not received a lot of press coverage this year, but by holding the Bears in check this week, they scored 11 pts and are only 0.2 pt per game behind the Ravens (Spi) at the top of the defense rankings. 

The Dugongs' season has been Spitoons-lite so far.  Dug has been pretty consistent week to week, but the lows are lower and the highs are lower as well compared to Spi.  With a 4th place this week, Dug has finished in the top 4 for the fourth time in five weeks.  This has not been enough to gain much ground compared to first place.  QB Rodgers had a disappointing game in Minnesota with only 142 yds passing and no TD.  In that same game, Purple Jesus did the job however with 225 yds from scrimmage and the game-winning TD in the fourth quarter.  Dug struggled a bit with both TJ Housh and Roy Williams being on bye and having to start Lee Evans and Bryant Johnson.  Who would have thought that Bryant Johnson would ever start in the PQBFL .  Both WRs did not do the job with only 7.75 pts combined.

The BeaudoinBrothers finished in the middle of the pack for the second straight week and are falling further behind first place.    This team seems to be going nowhere and even McNabb's acquisition has not been enough to fire up the troops.  McNabb did get his second 20+ pt game in the BB uniform, but other than him the Bros have been flat ever since their week 7 win.  LT does not remember what the end zone is by now.  If could not even score against the horrible Chiefs run defense.  Randy Moss is clearly the #2 option in New England and the Pats play conservatively so Moss is languishing at 17th best WR in the league.  Another problem for the BBs is the LB position.  The team was expected to be strong with D Ryans, Barnett, Vilma, and Sims, but this group has been very inconsistent. 

UncleJack finished 6th this week and got distanced by FE in the standings.  Franchise player P Manning is alive and well, and slowly moving up the QB rankings - now 7th.  This week Manning scored an impressive 27 pts on the road in Pittsburgh .  The flip side of this was that the Steelers defense only scored 2.5 pts, far below their season average of 11.1 pts per game.  One has to wonder why UJ did not start the Chargers defense instead (at home vs Chiefs), but the Chargers D sucks so bad that they only scored 3 pts - barely better than the Steelers.  UJ got an unexpected boost from rookie D Keller this week who scored 16.25 pts. 

OldNo7 finished 7th and lost further ground to UJ in the standings.  Old's coach was so pissed off at Braylon Edwards' performance on Thursday night against the weak Broncos defense that he refused to speak in the locker room on Sunday before the game.  Edwards caught one pass for 15 yds and that's it.  The fingers were pointed at him as being a quitter during that game.  Shame on him!    OldNo7 will continue to suffer until the RB crew gets better.  Right now, OldNo7's group of RBs is a combination of one women-beater (LJ), two injured backs (S Young, S-Jax), one recovering from injury (Cadillac), and another RB that just plain sucks (C Perry).  No team scoring a goose egg at the RB can ever think of having a good week.  A Boldin and Ju Peppers are the only two that performed well this week.  Boldin scored 2 TDs for a total of 23.5 pts while Ju Peppers had 3 sacks and 2 forced fumbles for 24.5 pts. 

WaxOnWaxOff had a painful 8th place this week, the second time in four weeks where Wax finishes next to last.  Wax dropped to 7 rank-points behind Spi in first and now has also Dec to beat plus Beaud breathing down Wax's neck.  MJD had an easy matchup in Detroit and took advantage of the situation with 3 short TDs.  Ray Lewis had 2 INTs on the road in Houston to help the Ravens crush the Texans.  However, the rest of Wax's lineup was nothing to write home about.  Rivers scoring 14.5 pts at home against the Chiefs after two weeks of rest was not what the doctor ordered.  M Lynch did nothing against the Pats in a crucial game (46 total yards).  At WR, Wax was dreadful with 4.75 pts from G Jennings (his third straight game with 7 pts or less).  The other starting WR was L Coles.  Looking at the Jets' final score (47-3), you would think the loser could have scored a couple of TDs or caught at least 4-5 passes.  No.  Coles had one reception for 14 yds and nothing else.  He sucks! 

The JakesBlues finished last for the second straight week, for the third time in four weeks, and for the fourth time in six weeks.  Another expansion team, another last place finish.  Time to think about 2009.  Will JB act before the trade deadline? 




Note: sometimes the NFL announces stats changes and according to PQBFL rules, the results are not totally official until Sunday 1pm Eastern. 


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