PQBFL Rules - 2002


Touchdown pts depend on yards
Per 30 y passing 1 pt
Per 20 y rushing 1 pt
2 pt conv. 2 pt
Interception -3 pts
Fumble -3 pts

Running Back
Touchdown pts depend on yards
Per 12 y rush+receiv 1 pt
2 pt conv. 2 pts
Fumble -3 pts
Interception -3 pts

Wide Receiver
Touchdown pts depend on yards
Per 20 y receiv+rush 1 pt
Per reception 1 pt
2 pt conv 2 pts
Fumble -3 pts
Interception -3 pts

Tight End
Touchdown pts depend on yards
Per 20 y receiv+rush 1 pt
Per reception 1 pt
2 pt conv 2 pts
Fumble -3 pts
Interception -3 pts

Kicker Made Missed
PAT +1 -8
FG 17-24 +2 -6
FG 25-29 +2.5 -4.5
FG 30-34 +3 -3.5
FG 35-39 +3.5 -2.5
FG 40-44 +4 -2
FG 45-49 +5 -1.5
FG 50-54 +6 -1
FG 55-59 +7 -1
FG 60+ +8 -0.5
TD pts depend on yards
2 pt conversion 2 pts
Fumble -3 pts
Interception -3 pts

Like a player from its position
A rookie is a player that has never played an NFL game, not only players that are classified as a rookie by the NFL. This rule is intended to include players who were injured all year in their rookie season, among others.

Defense and Special Team
TD 6 pts
Interceptions 1.5 pts
Fumble rec. 1.5 pts
Safety 3 pts
Sacks 0.5 pt
Points allowed by defense or special team
0 6.5 pts
3 6 pts
6 5.5 pts
7 5 pts
8 4.5 pts
9 4 pts
10 3.5 pts
11 3 pts
12-13 2.5 pts
14 2 pts
15-16 1.5 pts
17 1 pt
18-19 0.5 pt
20 0 pt
21-22 -0.5 pt
23 -1 pt
24-25 -1.5 pt
26 -2 pts
27-28 -2.5 pts
29 -3 pts
30-31 -3.5 pts
32 -4 pts
33-34 -4.5 pts
35 -5 pts
36-37 -5.5 pts
38 -6 pts
39-40 -6.5 pts
41 -7 pts
42+ -7.5 pts

Note: in the calculation of points allowed, a TD on an INT return or a TD on a fumble recovery doesn’t count because the points are allowed by the offense (deduct 6, 7, or 8 points from points allowed in the game). Exception : a TD scored on a fumble recovery if the recovery is made by an offensive player, i.e. the defense allowed the TD, not the offense.
Yards allowed
0-149 6 pts
150-164 5.5 pts
165-179 5 pts
180-194 4.5 pts
195-209 4 pts
300-314 0.5 pt
315-329 0 pt
330-344 -0.5 pt
345-359 -1 pt
435-449 -4 pts
450-464 -4.5 pts
465+ -5 pts

Value of Touchdowns
1-9 yards 5 pts
10-19 yards 6 pts
20-39 yards 7 pts
40 yards + 8 pts

Trades. Dealine : Sunday November 17th, 2002 at 1:00PM (before Week 11 games)
A player traded cannot be reacquired by the same team during the year with another trade

Each team selects 24 players in the draft

Each week, each team starts 1 QB, 2 RB, 2 WR, 1 TE, 1 Kicker, 1 Defense, and 1 Rookie

A Touchdown or a fumble on special teams counts for the player’s stats (Ex : Tim Brown on a punt return... counts for his WR stats)

When there is a TD on a lateral pass, a TD is allowed to the player who passed the ball (not only the player who scored the TD), as long as his name appears in the game scoring summary. However, a QB doing a lateral pass to the RB who scores a TD is not considered a lateral pass because the game scoring summary will indicate that it is a run by the RB.

Each owner must announce his starting players before 1:00PM on Sunday.

If there are games on Thursday or Saturday, the owner must announce his starting players before the start of the game and can announce the rest of his starting players by 1:00PM on Sunday.

If an owner does not announce his players before the games, the players that started the week before automatically start that week.

Injured Player Rule :
1) The injured player has been officially placed on Injured Reserve, making him unavailable to play in the NFL for the rest of the season. However, if the player is not placed on the IR but it is public knowledge that the player is injured for the whole year, we will consider that player eligible to the Injured Player Rule.
2) The injured player was selected in one of the first four rounds of this
year's PQBFL draft.
3) The injured player is NOT a kicker, or rookie (and defense of course).
4) Each owner can only make one such replacement during a season.
5) If a player is traded to another team, it does not affect his eligibility to this rule.

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