2007 Week #12


1st Place Dugongs 184.25 pts

2nd Place Decepticons 160.5 pts

3rd Place OldNo7 142 pts

4th Place WaxOnWaxOff 137 pts

5th Place UncleJack 135.75 pts

6th Place BeaudoinBrothers 125 pts

7th Place FlyingElvis 115.75 pts

8th Place Spitoons 101 pts


The Dugongs won for the second straight week by scoring even more than last week with 184.25 pts this time .  This was the first time the Dugongs won back to back weeks since 2000 when they also took weeks #11 and #12.  Since acquiring R Moss from Wax, the Dugongs have been the hottest team in the PQBFL with 40 rank points followed by the BeaudoinBrothers with 35 and FE with 32.  R Moss did not contribute much this week on SNF but he did not need to.  Dug exploded out of the gate on Thanksgiving with 2 TDs from Greg Jennings, 22 pts from the Cowboys defense, and 4 FGs all over 40 yards from J Hanson.  Then on Saturday, C Brennan scored 6 TDs against Boise State to give Hawaii a division title.  When Sunday came around, the Dugongs kept piling up points.  F Gore, the Dugongs’ franchise player, has had a shitty season by all standards.  However he had his first big game since week #2 with 30.75 pts by shredding the Cards defense.  The Dugongs’ LBs also contributed with Brackett getting 11 tackles and 2 assists while Witherspoon was all over the place with 2 sacks, 2 passes defended, and 5 QB hits against the Seahawks.  The late season surge by the Dugongs allowed them to move to only one rank-point behind FE in second place in the standings. 

The Decepticons finished comfortably in second place this week, way ahead of Old and far behind Dug.  Franchise player D Brees was the team leader with 26 pts this week and rookie P Willis bounced out of his 2-game funk with 22 pts.  Willis jumped back over D Bowe (Old) in third place of the rookie leaderboard.  Cooley and Colston both scored double-digits with a TD and 6-7 receptions each.  However, A Johnson had an off day with only 3-37 and the Cons’ RBs were not too stellar either.  Aside from McGahee’s 1-yd TD run, he was otherwise pretty bad with only 59 yds rushing while Fatty White was held to only 26 yds from scrimmage .  On defense, Kampman, Bulluck, and Brooking all scored in the double-digits to pick up the slack from the Cons not having a healthy DB this week.  By beating Old by one rank, Dec moved to within one rank-point of Old in fourth place of the standings. 

OldNo7 fiinished between 3rd and 6th for the ninth time in 12 weeks.  The week started well for Old with three TDs from Favre and one from R Wayne on Thanksgiving and A Woodson scoring 6 TDs on Saturday.  Most of Woodson's production came in OT however and this rule will change in 2008.  It does not make too much sense for college players to rack up TDs in overtime of college games because they start from their opponent's 25 yd line and some games go into triple or quadruple OT when opponents exchange TDs non-stop .  On Sunday, S-Jax scored a long TD while B Edwards scored as well to reach double-digits for the first time in four weeks.  Then the Bears defense scored two more TDs thanks to D Hester to which the Broncos stupidly decided to kick the ball to .  Bravo Broncos – you lost!  So Old scored a total of 8 TDs this week, not counting Andre Woodson’s six TDs.  It is shocking that Old could not do better than 142 pts despite all that scoring.  Part of the reason is that Old had no defense this week.  Peppers, Fletcher, D Johnson, and S Jones all scored between 4 and 7 pts for a total of only 20.  And the Bears D was awful if we exclude Hester’s TDs on special teams.  The Bears allowed 34 pts and 430 yds. 

Wax finished in the top half of the standings for the first time since week #7 and for only the second time since week #2.  Wax did it by overcoming bad coaching and mother nature.  First of all, Wax was too busy eating turkey on Thursday and forgot to check the college matchups .  Wax started Ray Rice who was on bye.  In the meantime, D McFadden took advantage of three overtime periods to rack up 4 TDs and 206 yds rushing from the bench.  On MNF, mother nature stopped Wax cold.  Heinz field was unplayable which limited Chatman to only one point and H Miller to a goose egg .  Wax’s production came almost exclusively from the Vikings defense which beat the Giants by itself – the Vikings offense did not need to show up.  The Vikings picked off four passes from loser E Manning and scored a TD on three of them .  The Vikings added three sacks to finish the game with 29.5 pts.  On offense, Rudi Johnson scored more than 5.25 pts for only the second time this year in eight games played.  For a franchise player, that leaves to be desired .  WR B Marshall did not do anything all game until he caught a bomb for a TD to give him most of this week’s production.  Rookie Calvin Johnson did well on Thanksgiving with 16 pts to move up to 6th best rookie.   

UncleJack almost came back to beat Wax in 4th place but fell just short.  The 5th place nonetheless allowed UJ to get out of last place in the standings and move one rank-point in front of Spi at the bottom.  UJ’s coach has been very patient with Chad Johnson this year and kept starting him despite a long string of single-digit games.  CJ rewarded the coach with 33 pts against the Titans, which was his second game of 30+ pts this year .  The Steelers D benefited from the poor field conditions to get a shutout and score 17 pts.  P Manning had a decent game on Thanksgiving with 23 pts and J Lewis also contributed to UJ’s score with 17.25 pts.  The rest of UJ’s lineup was in a sorry state.  UJ scored zero at the college position (as usual) and rookie.  You can bet UJ can’t wait for week #13 to be over so that college players are out of the way and UJ will no longer have a 3-7 pt disadvantage each week.  UJ’s LBs did not do much with 6 and 5 pts from Ad Thomas and D Ware.  Since CJ caught everything going his way, B Jones watched from the other side of the field and balanced that with the third goose egg on UJ’s starting lineup this week

The BeaudoinBrothers’ streak of finishing in the first half of the standings ended at 11 as they took 6th place .  The good news is that the BBs beat FE anyway and extended their lead in the standings to 11 rank-points over FE.  However Dug came closer at 12 rank-points behind.  Let’s get something out of the way: the BB coach committed the cardinal sin of benching all-star TE Antonio Gates who was playing the Ravens defense and started Witten against the Jets instead.  Witten scored a TD, but the BB got burnt because Gates scored 2 TDs and outscored Witten by almost 12 pts.  This cost the BB one rank.  The BB had less than stellar performances across the board with only 10 pts from LT, 7.25 pts from Parker, 8.5 pts from Holt, and 11 pts from TJ Housh would did not score a TD for only the second game this year.  The BB kicker who led the league at his position even missed an easy FG.  The BeaudoinBrothers were able to beat FE thanks to rookie Chad Greenway who was one of the three Vikings to intercept a pass from E Manning and scored a TD. 

FlyingElvis got their worst week of the season with a 7th place and their chances of winning the league are getting worse every week .  FE has lost 5 rank-points to the BBs in the last three weeks and due to the Dugongs’ push, FE has to look in the rearview mirror.  T Brady was unable to reach 20 pts for only the second time this year.  Both FE’s RBs were held to single digits, rookie Lynch was injured and Jarrett did not do much in his replacement, and the Panthers defense sucks (13th out of 17) and scored zero.  The FE coach can also be blamed.  He started an injured player on defense for the second straight week, and it cost them again, finishing right behind the BBs.  If FE had started Asante Samuel instead of Mike Peterson, FE would have easily beat the BBs, and would have even beat Wax and UJ.  FE would have been 7 rank-points behind the BBs – what a huge difference from 11 rank-points!    On MNF, TE Scheffler scored a TD that turned out to be useless, but his 15-pt performance is worth mentioning anyway.  O Umenyiora also had a good game in the losing effort with 16 pts. 

The Spitoons went back to last place in the standings with a league-leading 4th last place finish this season.  Besides L Fitz who had a huge game (32.75 pts), Winslow Jr (21.25 pts) and Westbrook (11.5 pts), the rest of Spi’s lineup was incredibly horrible.  The other 11 starters for Spi scored a whopping 35.5 pts combined   which is almost less than L Fitz alone.  The Ravens defense was crushed by the Chargers and scored -2 pts.  DB C Hope was a relatively high pick and he continues to suck.  He scored 2 pts this week.  The Spitoons’ LBs combined for 10 pts and J Galloway only caught 2 passes for 21 yds.  Starting QB Eli Manning had a game which makes you wonder what he’s doing in the NFL leading a playoff caliber team.


Note: sometimes the NFL announces stats changes and according to PQBFL rules, the results are not totally official until Sunday 1pm Eastern. 


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