2005 Week #3

1st Place Spitoons 217.5 pts

2nd Place BeaudoinBrothers 169 pts

3rd Place Dugongs 144.5 pts

4th Place WaxOnWaxOff 118.5 pts

5th Place OldNo7 117 pts

6th Place UncleJack 92.5 pts

7th Place FlyingElvis 69.5 pts


The Spitoons crushed a few records this week by scoring the eye-popping total of 217.5 pts .  The previous record was 192.5 pts by WaxOnWaxOff in week #10 of 2004.  If we include years where we did not have individual defensive players, the record was still WaxOnWaxOff from last year who scored 160 pts with offensive players only.  This week, the Spitoons scored 188 pts excluding defensive players.  Talk about crushing a record!  The Spitoons also beat the record for the number of TDs with 13.  The previous record was held by the BeaudoinBrothers (week #14 in 2003) with 12 TDs.  D Culpepper finally came out of his slump by throwing for 3 TDs and no turnovers.  Unfortunately for him, he won't play the Saints at home every week.  S Alexander scored 4 TDs and 33 pts while B Westbrook scored 2 TDs and 28 pts.  Both RBs are currently 2nd and 3rd in the league.  The Spitoons WRs are also doing extremely well.  T Owens scored 18 pts and S Smith scored 34 pts.  They are currently 1st and 2nd in the league.  Unbelievable.  Even rookie Ronnie Brown scored a TD.  And Zach Thomas is playing like he's 26 years old and he scored 24 pts and leads all LBs by more than 4 pts.  The Spitoons now have the highest strength of starters if we add the player averages of top players at each position.  This week, the Spitoons got the highest coaching efficiency of all teams this year with 93.5%.

The BeaudoinBrothers extended their lead in first place of the standings with another 2nd place.  L Tomlinson got his first big game of the season on Sunday Night Football with 37 pts.  The BeaudoinBrothers' WR continue to dominate, scoring 24 and 20 pts each.  CJ and Holt are currently 3rd and 5th WR in the league.  Antonio Gates scored his first TD of the year with 16 pts.  The Bros' LBs each got their best game of the season with 18.5 for D Edwards and 13 for J Vilma.  This week was not too rosy for the Bros however.  R Harrison was lost for the season to a torn ACL .  Backup Michael Boulware will have to fill in.  However R Harrison was arguably the top DB and definitely weakens the BeaudoinBrothers.  Note the kicker continues to be a joke.  After Stover missing 3 FGs in week #1, Longwell missed an extra point and a FG this week. 

The Dugongs scored a solid 144.5 pts and finished 3rd.  Kerry Collins is showing what R Moss can do to a QB's stats.  He scored 23 pts to lead the Dugongs.  E James is benefiting from the new emphasis of the Colts on the running game.  He scored 16 pts this week.  The Colts are also playing great D, with Dwight Freeney getting 3 sacks against the Browns.  He scored 16.5 pts for the Dugongs.  The main disappointment for the Dugongs was Joe Horn's performance.  He only scored 1 point.  He is desparately needed especially with J Walker missing the season. 

WaxOnWaxOff edged OldNo7 on MNF despite a poor game by A Lelie.  C Palmer leads the PQBFL with a 23.3 pt per week average.  Palmer scored 26 pts this week against a tough Bears D.  Hines Ward also did well with 22 pts.  There were a few sore spots on Wax's team however.  Rudi Johnson has slowed down while Palmer lights up the scoreboard.  Rudi only scored 6 pts and fell to RB #12.  The Steelers D could not contain the Patriots and only got 5 pts.  T Polamalu did not have as much fun against the Pats as he only scored 4.5 pts.  He is still the 3rd DB in the league however. 

OldNo7 failed to beat Wax on MNF due to a disappointing game by Priest who only scored 7 pts.  Old's franchise player is not playing to his level and currently ranks 11th RB in the league.  Rookie Cadillac Williams did not score a TD but gained 158 yds against the Packers D on 37 carries.  At that rate, he may not last the entire year because this is an extremely high workload.  Cadillac is dominating all rookies by more than 5 pts.  The coach can be blamed for starting D Stallworth instead of J Smith.  Stallworth fooled his coach by having a nice week #2 but did not even catch a pass in week #3 .  OldNo7 got a season-ending injury with T Spikes going down.  He was OldNo7's starting LB and his loss hurts. 

UncleJack had a 2nd straight week below 100 pts with only 92.5 pts.  Can you believe that P Manning only has 2 TDs through 3 games? Everybody thought he would do better at home against the Browns.  No!  He did not even get one TD.  On the bench, McNabb scored 19 pts and Bledsoe 24 pts to bite the coach once again.  They are the league #2 and #3 QBs but have yet to see the field.  UncleJack's coaching efficiency was an awful 56.4% this week.  Defensive players were also awful for UJ with only 18 pts together. 

FlyingElvis is getting worse every week.  This week, FE only scored 69.5 pts which is the lowest score since the Spitoons scored 52.5 pts in week #4 last year.  Other than McGahee scoring 16 pts, the team was horrible.  TJ Housh started but only got 2 pts.  TE Ben Watson only scored 1 pt while Wiggins scored 9 pts on the bench.  The Eagles D could not contain the Raiders and scored zero.  The coach started injured Witherspoon.  Horrible horrible horrible .  After 3 weeks, the coaching efficiency of FE is dead last at 59.2%.  The last time a team finished last three weeks in a row was in 2002 when the expansion team Decepticons finished last 4 straight weeks.  The PQBFL record will be tough to beat: 7 straight last places by expansion team OldNo7 in 2000. 


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