2004 Week #6


1st Place Spitoons 139.5 pts

2nd Place OldNo7 134 pts

3rd Place Decepticons 123 pts

4th Place BeaudoinBrothers 120.25 pts

5th Place WaxOnWaxOff 103.5 pts

6th Place UncleJack 94 pts


Now we have half of the teams who said they like the summary: Dec, Old, and BeaudoinBros.  So I guess I am more convinced than last week to continue writing it!  Mostly for teams interested only though... 


The Spitoons won for the 2nd time this year with 139.5 pts.  The team got a solid performance from Bulger, S Alex, A Green, K Rob, T Gonzalez, the Eagles, and Zach.  Nobody was outstanding, but they were all good.  This was the first double-digit game from A Green since the opener. 

OldNo7 finally scored more than 120 pts and finished 2nd for their best result of the year.  T Holt did well on MNF when it was critical with 27 pts.  J Farrior was on fire against the Cowboys as he forced 3 fumbles and scored 20 pts.  P Holmes and F Taylor each scored in the high teens.  Priest remains the 2nd best RB in the league.  However, there are rumors that he wants to retire because the Chiefs are playing poorly.  This would completely crush OldNo7.  Fred Taylor benefited from the bad Chiefs D by scoring a season-high 19 pts.  However, the Raiders D was awful for Old with -4 pts.  Both Old's defenses are horrible and are dragging the team down.  Rookie Cooley scored another goose egg.  OldNo7 is in great need of Kevin Jones coming from his injury.  However, even healthy, he was not doing very well. 

The Decepticons finished 3rd with 123 pts.  The team had a very average week but Culpepper is absolutely carrying the team on his shoulders.  His average was 32 pts per week and he found a way to improve his average by scoring 39 pts on Sunday night football.  He currently leads all players in the league by the outstanding 10.4 pts per game!  This has never been seen in the league.  Rookie Roethlisberger is also doing very well.  He scored 17 pts and he is now 2nd best rookie behind Roy Williams.  Culpepper and Roethlisberger are hiding the holes in Decepticons's lineup in other positions.  M Faulk is a very average 2nd RB.  He scored 10 pts, which is ok, but he only ranks 13th RB in the league.  I Bruce had a few good weeks early in the season, but he was held in check with only 1 reception this week.  Another big problem is the TE position.  By trading Witten to Old a few weeks ago, the team shot itself in the foot.  LJ Smith is not doing anything and I Mili is consistently bad.  The player they traded for, M Bennett, has not returned from his injury and it is very uncertain that he will regain his starting job. 

The BeaudoinBrothers went through week 1 of 3 without J Lewis and escaped with a 4th place.  There are two more tough weeks ahead for the BeaudoinBrothers.  They almost beat the Decepticons but came up short.  D McNabb had his worst game of the season with only 3 pts.  He failed to throw for a TD and threw an INT.  A Schobel was drafted because he was facing the Dolphins during Strahan's bye week.  He did his job when he was needed with 17.25 pts.  R Harrison scored in the double-digits again and still leads all DBs with an average of 11.9 pts per week.  Rookie Vilma got another good game with 10.5 pts.  Andre Johnson cooled down a little after a monster week #5.  He only scored 7 pts and dropped to 5th best WR in the league.  The BeaudoinBrothers are currently only wishing to stay in the race while J Lewis comes back. 

WaxOnWaxOff disappointed by scoring only 103.5 pts.  They could not capitalize on the BeaudoinBrothers' temporary problems.  C Palmer is playing so bad that there are now pressures on the Bengals to start Kitna.  Palmer was a very high draft pick but is only the 8th rookie in the league.  He can be blamed for the fact that Wax is now in 4th place in the standings.  Brady and C Brown only scored 6 pts and 4 pts.  Moss got injured in the 1st half and "only" scored 14 pts.  

UncleJack finished last, dropped to last in the standings, and flat out sucks as expected.  To their defense, P Manning and Harrison were on a bye week.



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