PQBFL Rules - 2009


Rule changes from last year are in blue





            Touchdown                   pts depend on yards

            Per 7.5 y passing                       0.25 pt

            Per 3 y rush+receiv       0.25 pt

            2 pt conv.                      2 pt

            Interception                 -3 pts

            Fumble lost *                -3 pts

            Fumble not lost **         -1 pt

Forced fumble              3 pts

Fumble recovery                       1 pt

Defensive stats: Sack, INT, tackle, assist, safety, etc.: same as for defensive players

* Fumbles that result in a safety because the ball goes out of bounds count as a fumble lost because the team loses possession. 

** If the player recovers the ball himself, he also gets one point for the fumble recovery so the net effect is zero


Running Back

            Touchdown                   pts depend on yards

            Per 3 y rush+receiv       0.25 pt

            Per 7.5 y passing                       0.25 pt

            2 pt conv.                      2 pts

            Fumble lost *                -3 pts

            Fumble not lost **         -1 pt

            Interception                 -3 pts

Forced fumble              3 pts

Fumble recovery                       1 pt

Defensive stats: Sack, INT, tackle, assist, safety, etc.: same as for defensive players

* Fumbles that result in a safety because the ball goes out of bounds count as a fumble lost because the team loses possession. 

** If the player recovers the ball himself, he also gets one point for the fumble recovery so the net effect is zero


Wide Receiver

            Touchdown                   pts depend on yards

            Per 5 y receiv+rush       0.25 pt

            Per 7.5 y passing                       0.25 pt

            Per reception                1 pt

            2 pt conv                      2 pts

            Fumble lost *                -3 pts

            Fumble not lost **         -1 pt

            Interception                 -3 pts

Forced fumble              3 pts

Fumble recovery                       1 pt

Defensive stats: Sack, INT, tackle, assist, safety, etc.: same as for defensive players

* Fumbles that result in a safety because the ball goes out of bounds count as a fumble lost because the team loses possession. 

** If the player recovers the ball himself, he also gets one point for the fumble recovery so the net effect is zero


Tight End

            Touchdown                   pts depend on yards

            Per 5 y receiv+rush       0.25 pt

            Per 7.5 y passing                       0.25 pt

            Per reception                1 pt

            2 pt conv                      2 pts

            Fumble lost *                -3 pts

            Fumble not lost **         -1 pt

            Interception                 -3 pts

Forced fumble              3 pts

Fumble recovery                       1 pt

Defensive stats: Sack, INT, tackle, assist, safety, etc.: same as for defensive players

* Fumbles that result in a safety because the ball goes out of bounds count as a fumble lost because the team loses possession. 

** If the player recovers the ball himself, he also gets one point for the fumble recovery so the net effect is zero


Kicker                          Made    Missed

            PAT                  +1         -3

            FG 17-24          +2         -2

            FG 25-29          +2         -2

            FG 30-34          +2.5      -1.5

            FG 35-39          +2.5      -1.5

            FG 40-44          +3         -1

            FG 45-49          +3         -1        

            FG 50-54          +3.5      -0.5

            FG 55-59          +3.5      -0.5

            FG 60+             +4         -0.5

            Note: a blocked FG or PAT counts as a missed kick

            TD                    pts depend on yards

            2 pt conversion 2 pts

            Fumble lost *    -3 pts

            Fumble not lost ** -1 pt

            Interception     -3 pts

Forced fumble  3 pts

Fumble recovery           1 pt

Defensive stats: Sack, INT, tackle, assist, safety, etc.: same as for defensive players

* Fumbles that result in a safety because the ball goes out of bounds count as a fumble lost because the team loses possession. 

** If the player recovers the ball himself, he also gets one point for the fumble recovery so the net effect is zero


Defensive Lineman, Linebacker, and Defensive Back

Defensive Stats:

Sack                       3 pts

INT                        3.5 pts

Tackle                    1 pt

Assist                     1 pt

Fumble recovery     1 pt

Forced fumble        3 pts

Pass defended        1.5 pts

QB Hurries             1 pt

Safety                    4 pts

Blocked kick           4 pts

Fumble lost *          -3 pts

Fumble not lost **   -1 pt

Touchdown             pts depend on yards (a touchdown scored on offense by the defensive player counts)

Defensive stats include tackles, assists, etc. on special teams

Offensive Stats:

Per 7.5 y passing     0.25 pt

Per 5 y receiv+rush 0.25 pt

Per reception          1 pt

2 pt conv                 2 pts

Interception thrown      -3 pts

* Fumbles that result in a safety because the ball goes out of bounds count as a fumble lost because the team loses possession. 

** If the player recovers the ball himself, he also gets one point for the fumble recovery so the net effect is zero



Like a player from its position.  Rookies can be of any position including defensive players.

A rookie is a player that has never played an NFL snap, not only players that are classified as a rookie by the NFL.  This rule is intended to include players who were injured all year in their rookie season, among others. 



Only I-A college players are eligible.  Stats will be taken from espn.com even if there are discrepancies with other websites.  College week #1 will not be used.  College week #2 matches with NFL week #1 and it will be the first week where college players can start.  College week #14 is the last week where college players can start and it matches with NFL week #13.  College players cannot start after NFL week #13 even if they play in bowl games.  A football week starts on Tuesday and ends on Monday.  A college player can only be a QB, RB, WR, or TE.  No kickers, defensive players, or defenses.  The scoring system is the following


            Touchdown in regulation           6 pts

            Per 7.5 y passing                       0.25 pt

            Per 3 y rush+receiv       0.25 pt

            2 pt conv.                      2 pt

            Interception                 -3 pts


            Touchdown in regulation           6 pts

            Per 7.5 y passing                       0.25 pt

            Per 3 y rush+receiv       0.25 pt

            2 pt conv.                      2 pt

            Interception                 -3 pts

WR or TE

            Touchdown in regulation           6 pts

            Reception                     1 pt

            Per 7.5 y passing                       0.25 pt

            Per 5 y rush+receiv       0.25 pt

            2 pt conv.                      2 pt

            Interception                 -3 pts

A discount factor of 0.25 will be multiplied by the player’s score and we truncate down to the nearest 0.25.  For example, a QB who throws for 2 TDs, 1 INT, and 310 passing yards will have the following score:

(2*6-3*1+10.25)*0.25 = 19.25*0.25 = 4.8125 truncated to 4.75 pts. 

College players can be saved or cut for the following season.  If they remain in college, they are still playing the college position.  If they graduate to the NFL, they are playing the rookie position. 

Touchdowns scored in OT do not count. 


Defense and Special Team

            TD                                6 pts

To determine whether the TD was scored by a special team or the offense, we go by the box score.  If the box score says it’s a TD run or pass, the TD goes to the offense, not the special team. 

Interception                 1.5 pts

            Fumble rec.                   1.5 pts

            Fumble                         -1.5 pts

            Safety                          3 pts

            Sack                             0.5 pt

Blocked kick                 2 pts

Allowed blocked kick    -2 pts

            Yards allowed: see matrix

Points allowed by defense or special team: see matrix



In the calculation of points allowed, a TD on an INT return or a TD on a fumble recovery doesn’t count because the points are allowed by the offense (deduct 6, 7, or 8 points from points allowed in the game).  Exception: a TD scored on a fumble recovery if the recovery is made by an offensive player, the defense allowed the TD, not the offense. 

A safety allowed by special teams counts in the calculation of points allowed by the defense / special team. 

A fumble recovery by the offense does not count for the points scored by the defense.  For example, team A is on offense, they turn the ball over, but the opposing team fumbles and it is recovered by team A.  The fumble recovery does not count for team A’s defense / special team.

A fumble by the offense that goes out of bounds in the end zone counts as a fumble recovery for the defense / special team because it is a turnover. 



Value of Touchdowns

            1-9 yards          5 pts

            10-19 yards      6 pts

            20-39 yards     7 pts

            40 yards +        8 pts



Each team selects 25 players in the draft.  Each team also has 1 franchise player and 9 saved players, for a total roster of 35 players.  If a team traded for a draft pick or traded a draft pick away, it is allowed to have a roster of more or less than 35 players. 


Each week, each team starts 1 QB, 2 RBs, 2 WRs, 1 TE, 1 Kicker, 1 Defense, 1 Rookie, 1 College, 1 DL, 1 LB, 1 DB, and one additional defensive player from any position, for a total of 14 starters. 


If a player started the year at a certain position and switches to a new position during the season (a DL becomes LB, a TE becomes WR), for PQBFL purposes he remains a player at his old position and we use the scoring of his old position. 


A Touchdown or a fumble on special teams counts for the player’s stats (Ex : Tim Brown on a punt return... counts for his WR stats)


When there is a TD on a lateral pass, a TD is not allowed to the player who lateraled the ball (only the player who scored the TD), unless if his name appears in the game scoring summary.  For example, if Culpepper passes to R Moss and who laterals to Moe Williams who scores the TD and the scoring line reads “M. Williams 59 yd. pass play by D. Culpepper”, then Moss does not get credit for the TD, only Culpepper and Williams do.  Also, a QB who laterals to the RB who scores a TD is not considered a lateral pass because the game scoring summary will indicate that it is a TD run by the RB. 


Each owner must announce his starting players before 1:00PM Eastern on Sunday.  It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure that the league has received his starting lineup.  If someone’s e-mail fails to work, it is the owner’s problem.  Therefore, each owner should check the website to make sure that their lineup was received.  If for some reason, the commissioner will not be available to update the website, the owner must check with other owners or with the commissioner to see if the lineup was received.  Alternatively, an owner can leave a message on the commissioner’s voice mail at work which will prove at what time the roster was sent. 


If there are games on Thursday or Saturday (or even on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday for college players), the owner must announce his starting players before the start of the game and can announce the rest of his starting players by 1:00PM Eastern on Sunday.  If the first game is Sunday but later than 1:00PM Eastern (in the NFL playoffs for example), then the roster is due by the scheduled time of the first game played during that week. 


If an owner does not announce his players before the games, the players that started the week before automatically start that week.  If no PQBFL team received an owner’s lineup before the deadline for whatever reason, the same logic applies (e-mail date/time sent is not sufficient reason).  Someone must have received the e-mail before the deadline.  If an owner does not announce his players before week #1, the starters will be determined by the order in which they were drafted (for saved players, we will consider their value compared to drafted players by going by the number of injury points they earn if they miss a game).  Owners have to clearly announce their lineup by listing players.  Simply stating “start same players as last week except for injured players and those on bye” is not acceptable and will result in the same players starting as the week before.  Owners must research injuries and bye weeks themselves. 


If an owner announces his weekly lineup but a player listed is not part of this team’s lineup, it is considered the same as not listing a player at all for this position and therefore the starter is determined based on the previous week lineup. 


Stat Changes

If the NFL changes stats after the gamebook is published, the revised stats will be used if the change is made and announced before the following Sunday 1pm Eastern.  The PQBFL scores will not change under any circumstance after Sunday 1pm following a particular week’s scores.


Injured Player Rule 

1)       A team can replace an injured player if the injured player has been officially placed on Injured Reserve, making him unavailable to play in the NFL for the rest of the regular season.  However, if the player is not placed on the IR but it is public knowledge that the player is injured for the whole year, we will consider that player eligible to the Injured Player Rule. 

2)      The injured player must have been selected in one of the first four rounds of this year's PQBFL draft or was tagged as the team’s franchise player.  For any expansion team, the equivalent of the franchise player is considered to be the player drafted with the compensatory pick at the end of the 1st round.  So returning teams and expansion teams will generally have 5 players protected by this rule, unless they traded for an extra draft pick in the early rounds. 

3)      The injured player must not be a rookie or college player (and defense of course).

4)      The replacement player must be from the same position as the injured player.

5)      If the injured player was assumed to be out for the year and the owner chooses a replacement player, but later in the season there is now a possibility that the injured player might return, then the replacement player is immediately removed from the roster of the team who replaced the injured player. 

6)      If the injured player is not considered out for the year simply because he has a chance to come back in the NFL playoffs, but it is clear that he is out for the remainder of the regular season, a replacement can be selected.  However, once the NFL playoffs start, if the injured player has a chance to play at some point in the playoffs, the replacement player is dropped automatically and permanently. 

7)      Each owner can only make one such replacement during a season.

8)      The last day to pick up a replacement for an injured player is before 1:00PM Eastern on Sunday of week #17.

9)      If the injured player’s team does not play in a particular playoff week either because the team is eliminated or because the team has a first round bye, the replacement player cannot start in that week.

10)   If a player is traded to another team, it does not affect his eligibility to this rule.  However, the team who acquired the eligible player would still only be allowed one injured player replacement during the season even though the new team has one more player eligible to be replaced if injured.  If the replacement player is selected after the injured player was traded, the replacement is charged to the new team.  The old team is not charged with the replacement and could still get a replacement player if they have not used their right yet. 

11)    If the injured player is traded to another PQBFL team before being replaced by virtue of this rule, the replacement player selected by the new team cannot be traded back to the team that traded the injured player

12)   If an injured player is replaced by virtue of this rule, that injured player is still part of the team’s roster at the end of the season and therefore could be designated as a franchise player, he could be cut, or he could be a saved player.  The replacement player is not part of the team’s roster at the end of the season. 

13)   If the franchise player gets injured after the owner tagged him as franchise player but before the PQBFL draft, the owner can opt to drop the injured franchise player and have the last pick of the 1st round as a compensatory pick, before any expansion team compensatory 1st round pick.  The injured franchise player will be available in the PQBFL draft.  If two or more franchise players are injured, the team with the most injury points from the previous year will get the first compensatory pick. 

14)   If a player gets injured and is out for the year before the first game of the NFL season, the PQBFL owner can dump him and draft a replacement player at the same position after the PQBFL draft but before the first NFL game.  The player dumped is no longer on his PQBFL roster and cannot be saved for the following season.  This replacement does not count against the limit of one replacement per season. 



Frozen Player Rule

1)       Every team will select one player from their previous year’s roster to keep for this season.  This can be a player from any position and could be a defensive team / special team.  This will be the franchise player. 

2)      After each team has selected its franchise player, the commissioner will organize a vote among all team owners (including expansion teams) to determine which players get cut from each team’s roster (franchise player excluded).  Each team will lose its top 5 offensive players (includes defensive/special team) and its top (1) defensive player.  Each owner will vote for the top 10 offensive players and top 3 defensive players of every team except their own team.  The best player will get a score of 10, and the 10th player will get a score of 1 (for defensive players: 3-2-1). 

3)      Offensive players getting a score between 10 and 6 get one vote for cuts.  The five offensive players getting the most votes are cut.  If there is a tie, the player with the highest total score is cut.  If a tie remains, the player cut is the one that was ranked higher by the most owners. 

4)      The defensive player getting the highest total score is cut.  If there is a tie, the player cut is the one that was ranked higher by the most owners. 

5)      If players are still tied (offense or defense), the vote of the PQBFL champion from the previous year is the final tiebreaker (or 2nd best team from previous year if the champion does not return).   

6)      After a player has been franchised and after the 5 offensive players and top defensive player have been cut, each team has to freeze 9 players from what’s left.  These 9 players must include at least 3 defensive players. 

7)      Rookies from the last year can be saved by the owner.  This saved player will be on the team’s roster at his regular position.  Exception: if the rookie has not played a snap during his rookie season, his still qualifies as a rookie, so the rookie can be saved and still play at the rookie position this year.  College players can also be saved and will either remain in college or will graduate to rookie the following year.

8)      Deadlines

a.       Each owner must tag its franchise player by Monday August 10th, 2009 at 11:59PM Eastern.  Owners who announce their franchise player in advance can change their mind up until the deadline. 

b.       Owners can start submitting their votes for cut players of other teams on Tuesday August 11th, 2009.

c.       The last day to submit votes is Friday August 14th, 2009 at 11:59PM Eastern.  The cut players will be announced Saturday August 15th, 2009 early in the morning. 

d.       Owners must announce their saved team by Monday August 17th, 2009 at 11:59PM Eastern.  After this date, all remaining players are not owned by their team anymore, they are released and available for the draft. 

e.       If an owner does not submit his franchise player or saved players on time, this team will be assigned players based on the round each player was drafted the year before or based on the value of the saved players from the year before (more injury points = higher ranked player). 

f.       If an owner does not submit votes by the deadline, that owner is simply ignored. 




1)       Trades are open during the offseason until Monday August 10th, 2009 at 11:59PM Eastern.  There is a blackout period for trades between Tuesday August 11th, 2009 at 12:00AM Eastern and Saturday August 15th, 2009.  Teams can trade again starting when the cut players are announced on Saturday August 15th, 2009.  

2)      Trade Deadline : Sunday November 22nd, 2009 at 1:00PM Eastern (before the Sunday Week 11 games)

3)      Trades are allowed after the end of week #17 (during the NFL playoffs)

4)      A player traded cannot be reacquired by the same team during the regular season with another trade.  The player can be traded back to his old team during the NFL playoffs or during the offseason.

5)      Teams are allowed to make trades that have an impact on future seasons.  However, any team making a trade that has a negative impact on future seasons must join the league the following year or pay a $50 departure fee to the league.  When the trade is made, the commissioners will determine which team has sacrificed the future (if any) and will notify the owner of the team(s) that they are subject to the $50 departure fee.  Commissioners may check with other league owners not involved in the trade when there is some doubt about whether a team has sacrificed its future or not.  The $50 departure fee will be part of the prize pool for the league. 

6)      If a trade for draft picks was made in the previous season and one of the teams involved does not come back in the league, we will honor the trade anyway.  For example, if the team that stays in the league traded their 6th round pick in return for the departing team’s 3rd round pick, the team that stays in the league will not draft in the 6th round and will get a compensatory draft pick at the end of the 3rd round.

7)      The commissioner can refuse a trade if it is obvious that it does not make any sense.  It must be extremely clear that the trade is lopsided to the point of being a sign of collusion before it can be vetoed.  Trades that are simply to one owner’s advantage will be allowed to happen. 

8)      It is illegal to make a trade that includes “future considerations”, to trade “conditional” picks, or to have a clause that says a certain player will be traded after week XX or at the end of the season.  It is also illegal to have players on loan (player X is traded, and have a clause to have this player X traded back to his original team later on). 



Rankings and Tiebreakers

Rank-points are used for the PQBFL standings.  The team with the most rank-points after the end of the NFL regular season (17 weeks) is champion. 

If teams finish the season with the same number of rank-points, the following order will be used for tiebreakers:

1)       The first tiebreaker is the most total points scored.  

2)      If teams remain tied, the team that gets the second tiebreaker is the one that finished ahead of the other team the most often during the season.  For example, if team A and B both finish with 79 rank-points and 2041 total points, and team A had a higher score than team B 9 weeks out of 17 weeks during the season, then team A wins the tiebreaker. 

3)      The next tiebreaker is the team with the most untied first places during the season.

4)      The next tiebreaker is the team with the fewest untied last places during the season.

5)      The next tiebreaker is the team with the most top 2 finishes during the season (excluding ties in 2nd place)

6)      The next tiebreaker is the team with the most top 3 finishes during the season (excluding ties in 3rd place or quadruple ties in 2nd place)

7)      If the teams remain tied after the first three tiebreakers, the first week of NFL playoffs will be used to break the tie. 

8)      If a tie remains, the 2nd week of NFL playoffs will be used, etc., until the Super Bowl week.

9)      If a tie still remains after the Super Bowl, the next tiebreaker is the team the most with the most injury points. 

10)   If a tie still remains after all this, then you should buy a lottery ticket. 



Injury Points

The order in which teams pick their draft spot will be determined by the number of “injury points” of each team during the previous season.  When a player misses a game due to injury or death (not because he is simply benched), he will earn a number of injury points that depends on his draft rank.  If a player misses a game due to personal reasons like death in the family, birth of a child, etc., the player will receive injury points.  Suspended players do not earn injury points.  Players who miss a game due to injury but when the injury was caused by bad character (for example, getting in a bar fight), he will not earn injury points.  Injury points can be earned from week #1 to week #17, but not during the NFL playoffs. 

In week #17 (and sometimes week #16), players might not play partially due to an injury but also because their NFL team has wrapped up a playoff spot.  It is difficult to judge whether the player misses a game due to injury or because he is rested like other starters.  Judgment will be used in those circumstances.  Generally, if the player is probable on the injury report and does not play, he will not be credited with a game missed due to injury (we will assume he was healthy enough to play).  If he is questionable or doubtful, he will be credited with a game missed due to injury.  However, the way the NFL team handles other players on the team will also determine whether the injured player should be credited with a game missed due to injury or not.  For example, if most starters are benched, then a player questionable on the injury report would not be credited with a game missed to injury because his injury did not determine whether he played or not since other healthy players were benched. 

Injury points per full game missed:

Franchise Player = 51 pts

Draft Pick Rounds #1-6 = 46-42-39-36-33-31 pts

Saved Player #1 = 29 pts

Draft Pick Round #7 = 27 pts

Saved Player #2 = 26 pts

Draft Pick Round #8 = 25 pts

Saved Player #3 = 24 pts

Draft Pick Round #9 = 23 pts

Saved Defensive Player #1 = 22 pts

Draft Pick Round #10 = 21 pts

Saved Player #4 = 20 pts

Draft Pick Round #11 = 19 pts

Saved Player #5 = 18 pts

Draft Pick Round #12 = 17 pts

Saved Player #6 = 16 pts

Draft Pick Round #13 = 15 pts

Saved Defensive Player #2 = 14 pts

Draft Pick Round #14 = 13 pts

Saved Defensive Player #3 = 12 pts

Draft Pick Rounds #15-25 = 11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 pts

Replacement player obtained by virtue of the injured player rule = 0 pt

The rank of saved players is determined by the scores received in the voting process (even if the votes were received on another team because there has been a trade after the cuts and before saved players were announced).  The tiebreaking procedure is the same as for cut players.  If there remains a tie, the owner of the player can assign the ranks.  When a team saves more than 2 individual defensive players, one of them will be counted as one of the six saved players above (#1-#6) and the order is determined by comparing votes on offense and on defense and awarding the spot yielding the most injury points to the player who got more votes even though offensive and defensive votes are not directly comparable.

Starting with the 2009 season, the injury points will determine the draft order as opposed to determining the order in which teams pick their draft spot. 

Note: for an expansion team, the points from 51 to 1 are assigned to players in the order in which they are drafted since there is no franchise player and there are no saved players. 



Draft Order

Starting with the 2009 season, the draft order will be entirely determined by injury points.  The team with the most injury points will draft first in every round (except possibly in the 3rd round).  The team with the fewest injury points will draft last in every round (except possibly in the 3rd round).  The third round draft order is based on NFL playoffs of the previous year.



New Teams Joining the PQBFL / Teams Dropping from the PQBFL

Scheig Rule: Every expansion team must pay a deposit of $50 to officially join the league.  After the draft, the league will return the $50 deposit to the expansion team.  If the team quits the league before the draft, the $50 deposit will not be reimbursed and will be added to the prize pool. 

If a new team joins the PQBFL, we will integrate it in the league by giving the expansion team a small, noticeable, but not unreasonable disadvantage relative to other teams.  We will follow these rules:

  1. The expansion team will be first to pick a draft spot. 
  2. The expansion team will be last in the 3rd round.
  3. The expansion team will have a compensatory pick at the end of the 1st round to get the equivalent of the franchise player of other teams.  This pick will be after any other compensatory picks at the end of the 1st round if franchise players are injured. 
  4. The new team will have a compensatory pick at the end of the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 13th, 15th, and 18th rounds to get the equivalent of the saved players #1-7. 
  5. If there is more than one expansion team, the first team to officially join the PQBFL will pick a draft spot and will draft players at the end of each compensatory round before the second team to officially join the PQBFL. 

If a new team joins the PQBFL in the same year where an existing team quits, the new team cannot pick up the old franchise.  The new team has to build a team from scratch.   An existing PQBFL owner cannot drop his team and pick up the team of the withdrawing team.  All players from the withdrawing team are released and available for the draft. 



NFL Playoffs

The NFL playoffs will be used as a mini-season to determine the order in which teams will draft in the 3rd round of the following year.  The starting requirements during the NFL playoffs are the same as in the regular season.  The tiebreakers are also the same except that tiebreaking steps #7-9 will not apply.  Expansion teams draft at the end of the 3rd round. 




1st place = + 145 beers

2nd place = + 60 beers

3rd place = + 15 beers

4th place = – 10 beers

5th place = – 25 beers

6th place = – 35 beers

7th place = – 40 beers

8th place = – 45 beers

9th place = – 50 beers

The total is +15 beers not zero because there is an additional 15 beers in the prize pool, 5 provided by Wax and 10 provided by Beaud due to late payment fees collected by those two teams last year.

In addition to these fixed amounts, each team will win/lose the following amount:

( Average total points scored per week by the team – League average total points scored per week ) * 2 beers

For the calculation above, we double the week 16 scores and we triple the week 17 scores. 

Any lost 50 beer deposit from failed expansion teams will be spread among all non-expansion teams

Late Penalty Fee

Teams that owe beers at the end of the season must settle their debt by the end of February.  If the payment is made in March, there is a 5 beer penalty fee.  If the payment is made in April, there is a 10 beer penalty fee.  The penalty fee goes up by 5 beers each month.  This penalty fee is payable to the league and will be used in the prize pool of the following season. 



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